Festival Taormina – Don Giovanni – LEPORELLO

‘…outstanding stage presence and great “actors” in the play of seduction: the servant Leporello (Noé Colin, bass)



Il Barbiere di siviglia – DON BARTOLO – Wuppertaler Bühnen

‘Very convincing the buffo-bass Don Bartolo, interpreted by Noé Colin.’



Falstaff–FALSTAFF – Opera Zuid

‘About the Mexican bass-baritone Noé Colin as Sir John Falstaff we just have to say he has wonderful timbre and lithe and livrly timbre and he is an excellent actor.’



„The Mexican Noé Colin – who jumped in for an indisposed collegue – presented a sublime Falstaff, both vocally and in facial espression. Besides, his physical condition is fabulous. After laying head over for several minutes in the last act, he immediately continued singing with a voice, which hadn’t lost one grain of quality. We hope to see and hear him again here soon in another fitting role.”

Mens en Melodie


„’With his gorgeous bass-baritone voice and his stout figure Noé Colin portrays the rake Falstaff, who just cannot resist women and drinking.”

Brabants Dagblad


“…the title hero, excellently pportrayed by Noé Colin… just perfect how Noé Colin in the title role knows how to combine singing and acting in a most natural way, giving the audience a warm kind of home feeling.“


„all superbely performed by a beautifully singing cast. The Mexican Noé Colin is the ideal personification of this Falstaff’“

NCR Handelsblad


„Noé Colin is vocally and theatrically superior to his fellow actors.“

De Volkskrant


„The Mexican Noé Colin is a bold and hot-blooded Falstaff. Also vocally he has enough weight to portray the fat nobleman, trying to hook a rich woman.“

De Telegraaf


“… in many ways an excellent cast, with an indescribably singing and acting Mexican Noé Colin as Falstaff.”

De Limburger


Der Liebestrank – DULCAMARE – Vienna Popular Opera

„With Noé Colin the charlatan Dulcamarais in good hands“

Die Presse Wien


Don Giovanni – PASQUARIELLO – Zurich Opera House

“ ‘But the most beautiful role interpretation comes from the Mexican bass singer Noé Colín: His Pasquariello is not a fat buffo, but – in a figurative sense – a naively wondering, always swaggering, cheerful ‘accomplice’, one you can only find on stage.”

Aargauer Zeitung

„Leporello who is called here Pasquariello is portrayed by Noé Colin who turns him into a capital fellow, with wag in his oppulent bass voice.“

Der Landbote


Don Pasquale – DON PASQUALE – Vienna Popular Opera

“ Noé Colin as Don Pasquale at the Popular Opera: a great comedian, who not only sings heavenly but also plays deliciously. He has a beautiful, deep bass voice, which he knows how to use according to the respectives moods of the main character. Both vocally and actingly, his performance was outstanding.“

Kulturmix Wien


Der Barbier von Sevilla – BARTOLO – International Music Festival Chiemsee

„Noé Colin as a hilarious Doctor Bartolo“

Kronezeitung Wien


Der Barbier von Sevilla – BARTOLO – Tyrol Municipal theatre

„Noé Colín (Bartolo) could not only present his great comedian talent, he could also rely on his sovereign voice.“


L’opera ( Italy )

Noé Colín è un Don Pasquale brioso e simpaticamente effervecente, dotato di una duttilità molto personale che risalta

sia nel lato comico del personaggio sia quello patetico ( ” È finita , Don Pasquale” )  Colín possiede bel colore e timbro omogeneo.



El Pais (  Spanish Newspaper /  JUAN ÁNGEL VELA DEL CAMPO)

A nivel de excelencia se sitúa el mexicano Noé Colín como Amfortas en un reparto homogéneo y estilísticamente impecable.



Kurier  (Vienna – Austria)

Noé Colín als Don Pasquale der Volksoper ein großartiger Komödiant zur Verfügung steht, der nicht nur gut singt, sonder auch ergötzlich spielt.



El Mundo ( Spain ) 

El deslumbrante Bajo Noé Colín sorprendió con su magnifico Giorgio Valton (I Puritanni – Bellini)



La Repubblica ( Italy )

“Padronanza del ruolo e ricerca del dettaglio hanno caratterizzato il basso Noé Colín, nel panni buffi di Leporello